Distributed Data Structures in R for General, Large-Scale Computing
Michael J. Kane
Phronesis, LLC and Yale University
Simon Urbanek and AT&T Research Labs
A portion of this research is based on research sponsored by DARPA under award FA8750-12-2-
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Current Prototypical Communication For Distributed Computing
- Workers block on queues (lists)
- Consume computations
- Return results on another queue
Current Prototypical Communication For Distributed Computing
- Workers block on queues (lists)
- Return results on another queue
- Data movement is defined up-front
- Processes communicate directly
How does this work?
How does this work?
How does this work?
How does this work?
How does this work?
How is it used?
- pull( <resource>, <expression> ) - executes an expression at a resource location and returns the result
- push( <resource>, <expression> ) - executes an expression at a resource location and returns the name of a new resource
C <- push( "B", "B %*% pull('A', 'A')" )
A Generative Communication Framework (cf Gelernter 1985)
Bottom line is that you can support a much larger class of distributed communication patterns.
What's the status?
- Communication framework is almost complete and fully asynchronous
- Currently building data structures on top of the framework
- distributed.vector
- distributed.data.frame
- Working on distributed matrices (mixed sparse and dense ) this summer
- We have a persistence model
We have a persistence model
Further Information:
In R type:
Next week at the NYC Data Science Meetup.
- Email me with questions at michael dot kane at yale dot edu.