Michael Kane and Bryan Lewis
A grammar provides a sufficient set of composable constructs for distributed computing tasks.
R has great grammars for
- for connecting to storage
- manipulating data
- data visualization
- models
It should be agnostic to the underlying technology but it needs to be able to use it in a way that's consistent.
Map/Reduce Comm. Only | Integrated Data Storage | Fault Tolerance | |
hmr | x | x | x |
RHIPE | x | x | x |
rmr | x | x | x |
sparkr | x* | x | x |
parallel | x | ||
Rdsm | x | ||
Rmpi | |||
pdbMPI | |||
scidb | x | x | |
distributedR | x | x |
irls =
function(x, y, family=binomial, maxit=25, tol=1e-08)
b = rep(0, ncol(x))
for(j in 1:maxit)
eta = drop(x %*% b)
g = family()$linkinv(eta)
gprime = family()$mu.eta(eta)
z = eta + (y - g) / gprime
W = drop(gprime^2 / family()$variance(g))
bold = b
b = solve(crossprod(x, W), crossprod(x, W * z), tol)
if(sqrt(drop(crossprod(b - bold))) < tol) break
list(coefficients=b, iterations=j)
The Ridge Part
The Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) Part
If you have too many columns there's:
dirls = function(x, y, family=binomial, maxit=25, tol=1e-08)
b = rep(0, ncol(x))
for(j in 1:maxit)
eta = drop(x %*% b)
g = family()$linkinv(eta)
gprime = family()$mu.eta(eta)
z = eta + (y - g) / gprime
W = drop(gprime^2 / family()$variance(g))
bold = b
b = solve(wcross(x, W), cross(x, W * z), tol)
if(sqrt(crossprod(b - bold)) < tol) break
list(coefficients=b, iterations=j)
cross = function(a, b) {
Map(function(j) {
collect(dmapply(function(x, y) crossprod(x, y),
split(b, rep(1:nparts(a)[1], psize(a)[,1])),
combine="rbind", nparts=nparts(a)), j)
wcross = function (a, w) {
Map(function(j) {
collect(dmapply(function(x, y) crossprod(x, y*x),
split(w, rep(1:nparts(a)[1], psize(a)[,1])),
nparts=nparts(a)), j)
> x = dmapply(function(x) matrix(runif(4), 2, 2),
+ 1:4,
+ output.type="darray",
+ combine="rbind",
+ nparts=c(4, 1))
> y = 1:8
> print(coef(dirls(x, y, gaussian)))
[1,] 6.2148108
[2,] 0.4186009
> print(coef(lm.fit(collect(x), y)))
x1 x2
6.2148108 0.4186009
setMethod("%*%", signature(x="ParallelObj", y="numeric"), function(x ,y)
stopifnot(ncol(x) == length(y))
dmapply(function(a, b) a %*% b,
replicate(totalParts(x), y, FALSE),
output.type="darray", combine="rbind", nparts=nparts(x)))
setMethod("%*%", signature(x="numeric", y="ParallelObj"), function(x ,y)
stopifnot(length(x) == nrow(y))
dmapply(function(x, y) x %*% y,
split(x, rep(1:nparts(y)[1], psize(y)[, 1])),
output.type="darray", combine="rbind", nparts=nparts(y)))
> x = dmapply(function(x) matrix(runif(4), 25, 25), 1:4,
+ output.type="darray", combine="rbind", nparts=c(4, 1))
> print(irlba(x, nv=3)$d)
[1] 32.745771 6.606732 6.506343
> print(svd(collect(x))$d[1:3])
[1] 32.745771 6.606732 6.506343
Applied this approach to compute 1st three principal components of the 1000 Genomes variant data:
2,504 x 81,271,844 (about 10^9 nonzero elements)
< 10 minutes across 16 R processes (on EC2)
Separation of data and container API from execution
Simpler and more general data and container API
Generalized/simplified ddR high-level containers
get_values(chunk, indices, ...)
get_attr(chunk, x)
new_chunk(backend, ...)
as.chunk(backend, value)
chunk1 = as.chunk(backend, matrix(1, 10, 10))
chunk2 = as.chunk(backend, matrix(2, 10, 2))
chunk3 = as.chunk(backend, 1:12)
# A 20 x 12 darray
x = darray(list(chunk1, chunk1, chunk2, chunk2),
nrow=2, ncol=2)
# A 12 x 1 darray
y = darray(list(chunk3), ncol=1) # 12 x 1 array
z = darray(list(as.chunk(backend, x[1:10,] %*% y[]),
as.chunk(backend, x[11:20,] %*% y[])),
z = darray(mclapply(list(1:10, 11:20),
function(i) {
as.chunk(backend, x[i, ] %*% y[])
}), ncol=1)
Sequential (data API only)
With a parallel execution framework