This talk is is about writing linear regression routines in R and how they fit together
I'll cover intuition and implementations
- Ordinary least squares (OLS)
- Ridge Regression
- Generalized Linear Models
- Elastic Net
Implementations are meant to be short and readable
I'm not going to:
- spend a lot of time on statistical properties
- talk about optimality characteristics
- show code that's been optimized for speed
They are old (Gauss 1795, Legendre 1805).
Random Forests (RF) are at least as simple and often do better at prediction.
Deep Learning (DL) dominates vision, speech, voice recognition, etc.
LM generally has lower computational complexity
LM is optimal RF is not
LM can outperform RF for certain learning tasks
RF is more sensitive to correlated noise
See most arguments for LM vs RF
We understand characteristics of the space we are in with LM. Not so with DL.
RESULT: We know how things go wrong with LM, not with DL.
Figure from Explaining and Harnessing Adversarial Examples by Goodfellow et al.
Computationally Efficient
LM is not simply a prediction tool - results are interpretable
Diagnostics for assessing fit and model assumptions
LM is compatible with other models
> train_inds = sample(1:150, 130)
> iris_train = iris[train_inds,]
> iris_test = iris[setdiff(1:150, train_inds),]
> lm_fit = lm(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width+Petal.Length,
+ data=iris_train)
> sd(predict(lm_fit, iris_test) - iris_test$Sepal.Length)
[1] 0.3879703
> library(randomForest)
> iris_train$residual = lm_fit$residuals
> iris_train$fitted_values = lm_fit$fitted.values
> rf_fit = randomForest(
+ residual ~ Sepal.Width+Petal.Length+fitted_values,
+ data=iris_train)
> lm_pred = predict(lm_fit, iris_test)
> iris_test$fitted_values = lm_pred
> sd(predict(rf_fit, iris_test)+lm_pred -
+ iris_test$Sepal.Length)
[1] 0.3458326
> rf_fit2 = randomForest(
+ Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width+Petal.Length,
+ data=iris_train)
> sd(predict(rf_fit2, iris_test) - iris_test$Sepal.Length)
[1] 0.40927
my_lm = function(X, y) { XTy = crossprod(X, y) XTX = crossprod(X) QR_XTX = qr(XTX) keep_vars = QR_XTX$pivot[1:QR_XTX$rank] solve(XTX[keep_vars, keep_vars]) %*% XTy[keep_vars] }
> x1 = 1:100 > x2 = x1 * 1.01 + rnorm(100, 0, sd=7e-6) > X = cbind(x1, x2) > y = x1 + x2 > > qr.solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% y Error in qr.solve(t(X) %*% X) : singular matrix 'a' in solve > > beta = qr.solve(t(X) %*% X, tol=0) %*% t(X) %*% y > beta [,1] x1 0.9869174 x2 1.0170043 > sd(y - X %*% beta) [1] 0.1187066 > > sd(lm(y ~ x1 + x2 -1)$residuals) [1] 9.546656e-15
> X = matrix(x1, ncol=1) > beta = solve(t(X) %*% X, tol=0) %*% t(X) %*% y > beta [,1] [1,] 2.01 > sd(y - X %*% beta) [1] 6.896263e-06
We can sometimes get better prediction if we allow some bias (Cramér-Rao bound).
Add a parameter α to control bias.
Can be solved with
my_ridge = function(X, y, lambda) { XTy = crossprod(X, y) XTX = crossprod(X) QR_XTX = qr(XTX) keep_vars = QR_XTX$pivot[1:QR_XTX$rank] solve(XTX[keep_vars, keep_vars] + lambda*diag(length(keep_vars)) %*% XTy[keep_vars] }
We can select which regressors do a good job predicting the dependent variable by adding another constraint
The Ridge Part
The Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) Part
my_lmnet = function(X, y, lambda, alpha, maxit=10000, tol=1e-7) { beta = beta_old = rep(0, ncol(X)) quad_loss = Inf
for(j in 1:maxit) {
quad_loss_old = quad_loss
beta = coordinate_descent(X, y, lambda, alpha, beta_old)
quad_loss = quadratic_loss(X, y, lambda, alpha, beta)
if(quad_loss > quad_loss_old) break
beta = beta_old } list(beta=beta_old, iterations=j) }
coordinate_descent = function(X, y, lambda, alpha, beta_old,
W=rep(1,nrow(X)) {
beta = beta_old
for (l in 1:length(beta)) {
beta[l] = soft_thresh(sum(W*X[,l]*(y - X[,-l] %*% beta_old[-l])),
beta / (colSums(W*X^2) + lambda*(1-alpha))
soft_thresh = function(x, g) {
x = as.vector(x)
x[abs(x) < g] = 0
x[x > 0] = x[x > 0] - g
x[x < 0] = x[x < 0] + g
quadratic_loss = function(X, y, lambda, alpha, beta, W=1) {
-1/2/nrow(X) * sum(W*(z - X %*% beta)^2) +
lambda * (1-alpha) * sum(beta^2)/2 + alpha * sum(abs(beta))
- g is the link function
- Element of W are inversly proportional to variance of response which depend on slope coefficients
- See Bryan's notes for more explanation
my_glm = function(X, y, family=binomial, maxit=25, tol=1e-08) {
beta = rep(0,ncol(A))
for(j in 1:maxit) {
eta = X %*% beta
g = family()$linkinv(eta)
gprime = family()$mu.eta(eta)
z = eta + (y - g) / gprime
W = as.vector(gprime^2 / family()$variance(g))
beta_old = beta
beta = solve(crossprod(X,W*X), crossprod(X,W*z),
if(sqrt(crossprod(beta-beta_old)) < tol) break
list(beta=beta, iterations=j)
my_glmnet = function(X, y, family=binomial, maxit=25, tol=1e-08) {
beta = rep(0,ncol(X))
for(j in 1:maxit) {
eta = X %*% beta
g = family()$linkinv(eta)
gprime = family()$mu.eta(eta)
z = eta + (y - g) / gprime
W = as.vector(gprime^2 / family()$variance(g))
beta_outer_old = beta
quad_loss = Inf
for(k in 1:maxit) {
beta_inner_old = beta
quad_loss_old = quad_loss
beta = coordinate_descent(X, z, lambda, alpha, beta_old, W)
quad_loss = quadratic_loss(X, z, lambda, alpha, beta, W)
if(quad_loss > quad_loss_old) break
beta = beta_inner_old
if(sqrt(crossprod(beta_inner_old-beta_outer_old)) < tol) break
Currently working on an out-of-core version ioregression.
I'll talk about making this fast at RFinance.
Thanks to Bryan Lewis for the GLM notes.
Thanks to AT&T Labs Research (Taylor Arnold and Simon Urbanek) for helping to make this happen.